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How to use

If your service need to use Postgres as storage you need to update schemas/<service-name>/service.mify.yaml and add:

  enabled: true

After that you will be able to get pgxpool.Pool from MifyServiceContext Postgres() method. You can use it to directly make queries or use in some library.

Using without helpers

Here's an example how you can use it, just run queries from pool, which is created on startup:

func (s *PathToApiService) PathToApiGet(ctx *core.MifyRequestContext) (openapi.ServiceResponse, error) {
    rows, err := ctx.Postgres().Query(ctx, "SELECT * FROM table");

Using with sqlc

After adding postgres you will notice sql-queries/<service_db_name> directory inside go-services. Create any file with .sql extension and refer to queries.sql.example or sqlc documentation for adding queries. After you add them, run mify generate to translate them to go. Generated helpers with lie in postgres package, here's an example of how to use them, assuming you followed sqlc tutorial:

// Call this from service_extra.go
func NewAuthorsStorage(ctx *core.MifyServiceContext) *AuthorsStorage {
    return &AuthorsStorage{
        pool: ctx.Postgres(),

func (s *AuthorsStorage) CreateAuthor(
    ctx *core.MifyRequestContext, name string, bio string) (domain.Author, error) {
    dbConn := postgres.New(s.pool)
    tx, err := s.pool.BeginTx(ctx, pgx.TxOptions{})
    if err != nil {
        return domain.Author{}, err
    defer tx.Rollback(ctx)
    res, err := dbConn.WithTx(tx).CreateAuthor(ctx, postgres.CreateAuthorParams{
        Name: name,
        Bio: bio,
    if err != nil {
        return domain.Author{}, err
    if err := tx.Commit(ctx); err != nil {
        return domain.Author{}, err
    return domain.Author{
        ID: res.ID,
        Name: res.Name,
        Bio: res.Bio,
    }, nil


Mify includes a way to apply migrations for a database via dbmate.

To create new migration, run:

mify tool migrate <service-name> new <migration-name>

Then you'll see migration file at go-services/migrations/<service-name>/<date>-<migration-name>.sql with this content:

-- migrate:up

-- migrate:down

In first block you can add forward migration query, like CREATE TABLE, in down block you should add corresponding rollback query.

Testing locally

First you need to start postgres in docker, here's the example docker-compose file:

version: '3'
    image: postgres:13
      POSTGRES_USER: user
      POSTGRES_DB: <service-name>
      - ~/.cache/mify-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - 5432:5432

mify tool migrate and local config assumes these credentials to connect to database. After starting postgres you can run mify tool migrate <service-name> up to apply migrations. To rollback run mify tool migrate <service-name> down.